donderdag 29 juni 2017

Pancake Day

Whenever the conversation at the office was on family life and dinner, J was never without a story. With four teenage sons, he and his wife had been there, done it all, and seen it all. Saturday dinners were his responsibility, and over the years Saturday had become Pancake Day. Being a master in efficiency he used two pans simultaneously for over an hour until the bowl with batter was empty and the pile of pancakes reached the kitchen ceiling. When everyone had gathered inside and found their seat at the table, it took the ever-hungry boys less than ten minutes to make the pancakes disappear and lick the last traces of sugar and maple syrup from their plates.

He made the story sound like some kind of weekly ritual. And to be honest, I am sure it was.

spring heat
imitating baboons
at the zoo

-Published on Contemporary Haibun Online volume 13 no. 2 (July 2017)

zaterdag 24 juni 2017


It is going to be my first job interview in 28 years. After many applications -and about as many rejections, or sometimes no reaction at all- I was thrilled to get the invitation, but today my enthusiasm is clearly less. So the past days I googled for tips and things to think of. Dress formally but make sure you feel comfortable. Check the company's website and think of a few questions you can ask so you show interest. Browse through the list that covers sixty of the most asked questions during a job interview. Sit straight and look them in the eye. Don't interrupt people. Show confidence. Do this. Don't do that. The first impression is all that matters.
A close friend texts me minutes before I'm leaving. Be sure to stand out and go for it, girl! he says.
I nod at the little screen.

stormy afternoon
my elevator pitch
one more time